Rate Alerts

Rate Alerts

Currency Tracker Tool

Simplify your international payment strategy with our currency transfer rate alert tool. Our exchange rate alert service is completely free, aimed at being your eyes and ears in the currency exchange market. We’ll help you save time and money for your next international money transfer.

How it works

Step 1

Go to ‘Rate Alerts’

Log onto your CurrencyTransfer dashboard and click on ‘Rate Alerts’ on the left side navigation.

Rate Alerts
Step 2

Enter your transfer requirements

Select your sell and buy currencies from the drop down and enter your amount of currency needed. Click next.

Transfer requirements
Step 3

Set your target tradeable rate

That’s it! You can now sit back and relax. We’ll send you an email if/when your desired exchange rate is reached.

Target tradeable rate

We want to help you get the best currency transfer rates

Once you’ve set up an exchange rate alert, we’ll let you know when your desired money transfer rate hits via email. The personalised online exchange rate alerts will only trigger when the actual rate you want when making an international money transfer is achieved. Reduce stress by automating your payments process and monitor exchange rate fluctuations with ease. Whether you are paying overseas suppliers, running payroll, or investing in property abroad – we’ll help you firmly stay within budget.

Rate alerts triggers

Need more info?

Speak to one of our experts about international money transfers.



Nick H



Our specialists are on call

Once you open an account with CurrencyTransfer, you get an allocated relationship manager to support you with any query.

Questions or need a tip? We have your back!


Nick CJ
